Thursday, September 18, 2014

Why Nike Should Let Kevin Durant Leave For Under Armour-Forbes

                  Why Nike Should Let Kevin Durant Leave For Under Armour- Forbes (U.S.)

 Kevin Durant leave for Under Armour?

This article from Forbes was explaining how Kevin Durant was offered a contract from Under Armour between $265 million and $285 million over 10 years. His contract with Nike expires this year he was signed with Nike since he came out of college in 2007.  But Nike isn't sure if they should renew the contract because they will have to raise the contract and then that means more sales of his signature shoes will need to be sold.

This has a lot to do with a business and how the business could make or lost a lot of money. This is a big economic opportunity for both Nike and Kevin Durant. If he sings with Nike again he will be coming out with new shoes or he could be with Under Armour and release new shoes with them.

In my opinion I believe that Nike should stay with him because he did bring in 175 million dollars worth of sales just from his shoes in 2013.


  1. Ignoring the fact Nike got the star athlete on contract now...

    Nike should have signed K.D. He was one of their most valuable assets and brought in millions of dollars just in shoes sales.
    Sorry Under Armour... Your chance to grow even further fell flat on your face.

  2. I think you have a very strong point. If Kevin Durant brought in 175 dollars I don't see why they wouldn't renew his contract.

  3. Nike would be making a very bad decision if they chose to let Durant sign with Under Armour. I feel that it is best for both Nike and Durant, if he resigns with Nike. It is good for Nike because he is one of the biggest athletes and will easily bring in one of the most amounts of money. It is also good for Durant because he want have to worry about going through all the change of switching to Under Armour

  4. Great point Tyler.Nike shoes are much more popular than under armor shoes. If KD wants maximum profit he should stay with NIke.

  5. I think Kevin Durant will choose Nike because he will end up making more money and he chose them right out of college.

  6. Nike being a bigger company will pay more so it would be more worth it to sign with Nike.

  7. I find it crazy how Nate and I did the same article! But in all reality, I believe that he shouldve went to Under Armour, it would've gave KD the chance to be the face of a brand.

  8. There is a lot more opportunity for KD35 at Nike. They have helped him reached the point he is at right now in his career, a superstar. They will continue to look out for him.

  9. I think Kevin Durant made the right decision Nike is more popular and also offered him more money so it only makes sense that he goes with them

  10. People always go where the money is. Nike simole had the deeper pockets.
